Free Assessment


Are you uncertain what kind of help you need or just want a bit of information and help about your specific problem? Here is something for you, at no cost.

Complete the 4 questions as accurately as possible and submit. The more accurate you answer, the better. You can do this anonymously.

I’ll read and assess your information, get some understanding of what you need. Then I’ll send you a brief response with some guidance for a way forward and one resource that I think may be valuable for you specifically. This may be a blog, article, information about an app, a link to a YouTube video or a book to read. I will need an email address for this.

    What is the main problem you are dealing with right now that motivated you to seek help? (Describe briefly)

    How long has this been going on for you?

    Have you received any professional help in the past and has this been helpful?

    What kind of help are you looking for right now?

    Email address where we can send your assessment*